Category / Active Directory / ConfigMgr (SCCM) / PowerShell / Script / VBS
Move computer in AD during OSD
Let’s say you want to re-image a computer in your active directory domain. But you want it to move from e.g. the Windows 7 OU to the Windows 10 OU. If the PC already exists in AD, it will not be moved even if you specify the new OU in your SCCM task sequence in…
VB script with logging template
123456789101112131415161718Dim objFSO, myLog, dt, dtformattedConst For_Writing = 2Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")Set myLog = objFSO.OpenTextFile("C:\temp\my.log", For_Writing, True)'Main scriptwritelog "yes it works now"myLog.CloseFunction LPad (str, pad, length)LPad = String(length - Len(str), pad) & strEnd FunctionFunction WriteLog (str)dt = Nowdtformatted = year(dt) & "-" & LPad(Month(dt), "0", 2) & "-" & LPad(Day(dt), "0", 2) & " " & LPad(Hour(dt), "0", 2) & ":" & LPad(Minute(dt), "0", 2) & ":" & LPad(Second(dt), "0", 2)myLog.WriteLine dtformatted & " ### " & strEnd Function -
Lenovo BIOS update script
This script can be used in a task sequence (MDT or SCCM) to upgrade the BIOS on Lenovo PCs eg. during Operating System Deployment.